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Fire & Gas Safety is important!

Fire & release of Toxic Gas can have an devastating impact on anybody who is near it.The flames and heat from a fire can cause harm – breathing the hot air killing a person instantly.

Inhaling High Concentrations Toxic Gas can affect central nervous system lack of concentration, confusion, headaches, coma and death.

There are countless reasons why Industries should install Fire Safety-

  • Fire Prevention :- It is important to know what simple measures you can take such as keeping fire exits clear, keeping the workplace tidy, effective management of waste and understanding how to reduce the risk of electrical fires occurring
  • Minimising the Damage:- Having effective procedures and measures in place can save lives. Fire alarms, smoke detectors, emergency lighting, fire exits and escape routes are all measures that can be taken to minimise the damage of fires when they do occur.
  • Fire extinguishers :- Depending on what type of material is burning in a fire, the extinguishers required can vary. Knowing when to use each extinguisher is vital knowledge to minimise the damage from fire.

Reasons why Industries should install Gas Detection Systems-

  • Gas detectors- are used to detect combustible, flammable and toxic gases, and oxygen depletion. This type of device is used in locations, such as on oil rigs, to monitor manufacturing processes and emerging technologies such as photovoltaic. They may be used in firefighting.
  • There are 2 types Portable & Fixed which measures airborne gases and provides a warning when alarm levels of hazardous gases are reached. Portable Gas Monitor - is equipment used to test the condition of air prior to entering an area that could have a hazardous atmosphere.

  • These devices are Responsible for detecting leaks of combustible and/or toxic gases for alarm signaling purposes. The gas detection equipment uses the alarm signaling for purposes such as alarm notification, releasing action, increasing ventilation, shut-down action and/or other safety functions.


Single gas detectors are monitoring one gas in particular. Portable gas detectors refer to gas detectors which are worn or carried by an individual, typically battery operated.


The Multi gas detector supports the detection of combustible gases, toxic and harmful gases. The multi gas detector can monitor 4 toxic combustible gases at the same time, and supports free customization of gas detection


Fixed gas detection systems are installed with the aim of providing continuous, area and personnel protection around the clock. These detection systems are designed to alert workers of the potential danger of poisoning by toxic gas exposure, asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen or explosion caused by combustible gases.


Smoke Detector is an electronic fire-protection device that automatically senses the presence of smoke, as a key indication of fire, and sounds a warning to building. Commercial and industrial smoke detectors issue a signal to a fire alarm control panel as part of a building's central fire alarm system.


A fire panel is a safety appliance that commercial buildings typically require in order to set into motion a number of tasks that could save lives and minimize property damage. It activates a quick emergency response.